Epic Fails and Crème Egg Successes


Half term is over, thank the baby Jesus. I have endured considerably less sleep due to small people with bloody annoying coughs. The housework still requires my attention and after some serious avoidance techniques from yours truly I am slowly getting back to normal.

Its funny that as soon as half term comes, you breathe a sigh of relief and relax for one evening on the promise that no morning school runs equals more sleep. However by the end of half term you come to realise you are more busy and more tired than when they were at school. So Halleluiah for school today!

My husband moans that I only have myself to blame, with all the here there and everywhere trips I take the children to. Only he does not realise that I do this to shorten what could potentially be an incredibly long and dull day at home! I am awful right? I could meticulously plan a day at home with crafts and baking but I hate the continual monotonous tidying. It is boring as shit.

When I did decide to break up one of the two days we had at home, I decided the eldest and I would recreate something I saw trending on Facebook and Youtube. Well…all did not go according to plan. We had decided to make chocolate Easter eggs and I envisaged a cool marble chocolate egg with a nest of little chocolates at the front, perfect enough to cellophane wrap or even box. Hmmm…my shoddy, half eaten egg shaped, chocolate disaster was only good enough for the inside of a black bin liner.

The first step of the youtube video instructed you blow up a balloon, well I managed that just fine because I made the eldest do this! Then you melt the chocolate and apparently wait for the chocolate to temper, aka cool down, or else something crazy like the balloon could burst will happen.Well, that happened. So one soggy balloon covered in chocolate there was. Then I tried again, with Caramac, as I am quite partial to a bit of Caramac. Well Caramac either does not melt, or I burnt it in the microwave, I am still not sure which! So one bowl of unused Caramac I ate, whilst waiting for another batch of chocolate to cool down.

Once the chocolate was cool enough I eagerly plastered this onto said balloon and hoped it would not burst! Wahey, it didn’t! However spreading on the chocolate thick like a two year old meant it all ran down, looked rather lumpy and not glossy and smooth like I had imagined! We placed the three attempted egg disasters on glasses and left to cool overnight. When we eventually got around to chopping them off the glasses that they had now stuck to, the eldest and I tasted them convincing ourselves that despite looking like poo they would taste it, surely? Er, yes they tasted just like sweet rubber balloon! Gross. So crafty mum, I am not.

However I did redeem myself on Good Friday, with a recipe from Netmums! Alas, a cheesecake…much more my forte! Not just any cheesecake however, a Crème Egg cheesecake! It was delicious and it looked like the picture, so I am not entirely useless. Must celebrate small successes to overcompensate for all the fuck ups!

Easter half term was super busy, hence why the blogging has plummeted and the fact that Ruby not so much on the boobie now is still not sleeping for a good enough stretch! Is it unreasonable that at 7 months old I want her to go at least 5 whole hours without wanting her dummy back in or another boob or bottle? As for number two, I am so done with teething now and he is two next month but this is still affecting him at night. More Gin and Wine needed. I have also consumed a lot of alcohol during the half term, in the evenings may I add! I am not a total piss head and on it during the daytime, although the thought is often tempting.

Adulting has been tough all half term, and I say that with a week of help from the other half. Tomorrow we have arranged a babysitter so that we can go enjoy a grown up film, otherwise known as Beauty and the Beast! Well that’s the plan anyway! However this last week has taught me that not everything goes according to plan, even with the best instructions!


Happy liking and sharing.

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